In the Studio with James Biederman

Biederman %22Studio%22 2020 various    works .jpg

Art in the Time of a Pandemic

As many artists, I work alone. The studio is a place of movement and stillness. Things are put together. Sometimes constructed or cut in parts. The process forms an organic shell to encompass an architecture of mindful revery. An inside is visible through ports of entry. It is a visual place, that allows an opening to the imagination. An unfixed plan evolves over time. The bases are integral to the hovering structure. Pigment is applied to wet plaster or various vehicles. Aside from the pigments, materials are found or industrial. They are environments of form and color. Handmade without the interference of technology and machines. The process is slow. The watercolors evolve over several sessions.

Recently, I have made shelves to house the small sculptures. Related watercolors on paper provide an environment for the sculpture. A place to reside. Ocean reefs, distant universes, Pre-Colombian Art, Bernini, Buckminster Fuller and scores of artists and musicians continue to be influential. The pandemic is tragic. I wonder about the future. Continuing in the studio lends me focus and purpose. I am fortunate to be able to work. The corruption of a greedy and incompetent government hits me with a thump.

Biederman %22Cleopatra%22 2020    31%22x23%22x29%22 pigment_wire_plaster_burlap.jpg
Biederman %22Copernicus%22 2020     25%22x10%22x9%22 pigment on plaster_ industrial   glue_wood_wire_burlap.jpg
Biederman %22Jupiter%22 2020    12%22x8%22x10%22 pigmnet_plaster_wire_wc_paper.jpg
Biederman %22Slow Rumba%22 2020    26%22x28%22x26%22 Pigment_plaster_burlap_wire on artist made table.jpg
Suzanne Randolph